Thursday, March 27, 2008

Equine Hoof Care...

Did you know that Not having your horses hooves trimmed every 6-8 weeks is called neglect. I betyou didnt... Well Now if your horse breaks a hoof(Chips a Nail) you can have a trained professional come a clean it out and replace it every 5-6 weeks untill it grows back Now Farriers are using Appoxy and solidizing Silicone. They apply this liquid to solid chemical to the hoof as the horse stands and waits for this formula to dry. About an hour later the farrier will file this silicone Appoxy to the shape of the hoofe and about 2 days later the hoof looks natural.
Of course this cost a big chunk of change but For some people it is worth it. The Equine indistry is now comming out with a bunch of new formulas that help with hoof Growth. Some of these formulas are ingestable and Others can be applyed Dirctly to the hoof. The industry has many new product to help horses wear their feet correctly. They are now makeing a form of Equine sneakers.
Intrested in getting you horse new feet check it out with your local farrier

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Polar Melt Down

I have explored the melting formed from globle warming. This effects the polar caps meaning the polar bears are loosing their homes. Polar bears live in dens burried underneath the snow and hybernate. While hybernateing these bears give birth to their cubs they normally have 1-4 cubs. But because of all the warmth we have had and the ozone depletion the polar caps are melting leave the polar bears home less. Many of these bears are dieing because they have to swim and swim to find a form of solid land to rest on. They begin to drown and starving they may not but they need to have land to rest on and this land is the ice caps or(ice burgs) that now are almost gone. People such as Al Gore and many sciencetists are saying we are goin in to a polar melt down. I think we are going in to an other ICE AGE. We have experiancwed more snow and Ice than we have on average in the past years. Take a look for your self @ \

Next week I will talk about:
Equine Health
and Training Techqunices

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

(Off Topic)Horse Overload.

Have you checked out lately? Are you interested in Buying a horse? Please dont sell. On this website alone 2.7 Million Visitors Online, 55,000+ Horses For Sale and 260 Horse Breeds . I dont belive we need any more horses at this time on the earth. If every family had one horse there would still be more horses to go round. check out the site.


Did you know that contraseption can be given to animals as well as humans? Well in austrialia Koala Bears have been given "THE PILL!" They are in danger of over breeding and causing themselves to go extinct. The government in this country has decided to try sergicaly Sterilizing these bears to try and reduce the population...
I personally dont belive this shouldn't be worried about. The koala bears have brains I think they know they are running out of food... Why don't the austrialian's plant more eucalyptus trees. Or just wait for these animals to die off. Every animal has to die some day.
to read more on this problem please click on the link below.

Next weeks blog:
Polar Bear Melt down!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kangaroo Vision!

Have you ever wondered why kangaroos attack? Well a "roo" has very good eye sight But will only react to somthing that is moving. They have a tendency to attack after they feel theatened. Like you may have seen on televistion kangaroo's have attacked and Beated many people. They have ears that can swival in a 360 degree motion, to pick up any sounds from other animals or humans. They are 99% of kangaroo's in austrailia. The other 1% can be found in zoo or habbitats for injored or abandoned wildlife.This is where my information was found if any of you are interested.

Next Weeks blog will be about:
Koalas.... And Eucalyptus Trees